Hall-Rialto Theater Preservation Association
Established in 1991, the Hall-Rialto Preservation Association sole purpose is to pursue collaborative efforts to renovate and restore the Rialto Theater in Beeville, Texas. The HRPA proposes:
- to create a multipurpose performing arts and cultural center for the South Texas and greater regions;
- to expand cultural outreach to children from disadvantaged populations;
- to revitalize architectural heritage of one of eight theaters in Texas on the National Register for historic buildings;
- to restore the Rialto Theater as an integral part of revitalizing downtown Beeville, a national Main Street City.
Beeville is situated in a South Texas region with a partial population with no access to performing arts and cultural programs for all citizenry. Coastal Bend College currently has no performing arts classes or programs for young people and art programs are especially endangered due to lack of funding in the area. This project will accomplish two immediate goals for the Board and for the Beeville community: it will allow the Board to open the Rialto Theater to the public and begin developing operating income from presentations and cultural events, and it will, for the first time since the property was acquired by the Hall Rialto Preservation Association, establish a low humidity conditioned space, so necessary for the long range protection of the historic Art Deco interiors of the theater auditorium. The Rialto Theater is considered endangered. Architect Barry Moore states, “The interiors of the John Eberson designed Rialto are some of the most important in Texas. Water moisture and mold penetration will prevail if this important landmark is not saved.”
Board Members
- Mark Parsons, President
- Libby Spires, Treasurer
- Brenda Dees, Secretary
- Robert Beck, Vice President
- Madeline Madden
- Mary Lee Wintersteen
- Patty Johnson